
This is an Advanced Production Student Film being Produced at the University of Utah. It is a fun situation slapstick comedy about a girl named Kate that makes the humorous mistake of posting herself on the internet as a paid friend. She meets one weirdo after the next until she comes across Chris, a guy who falls for her but doesn't even realize he has been paying for his dates!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Kate a girl that just can't keep at job seeks reassurance from her friends. They attempt to give her motivation of her non-existent skills. At a point of desperation Kate decides to post herself online as a "paid friend" in the classifieds. Soon Kate encounter's one unique character after the next. From Star Wars geeks to mama's boy's and Dungeons and Dragon's enthusiasts, Kate attains one awkward experience after the next. Soon Kate encounter's Chris whom as her client, remains clueless to the fact that he is being frequently pic pocketed by his friend Jake and is thus paying for his "dates" with Kate. Jake started the whole scheme as part prank but part friend act. When Kate and Chris finally realize what's up, they've already fallen for each other and are left feeling like idiots. Soon they decide to give Jake a little bit of a dorky payback.


  1. Hey Rebecca,

    I'm really excited to help with this project. I have plenty of MAC makeup available and attention to detail skiils on jazzing up the constumes. Also, I am having a costume party at my place this Friday from 10PM - ?. Let me know if this would make for a helpful scene setting and how I can be of furthur assistance to you. Just let me know where and when you need me.

    -Valerie Doroux
    (801) 953-3754
